Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wells Fargo Bank - January 4, 2012 - 12:45 pm

Here is a list of the people I observed while standing in line at the bank today, simplified to an expression of each one's most striking physical characteristics:

- Old Mickey Rooney
- Hotel concierge in a grey tuxedo vest
- 20 year-old country music starlet stuck in a 70 year-old woman's body
- Catwoman eye makeup girl
- 40 year-old son of Italian mob boss whose father never expected much of him (wearing Ed Hardy t-shirt)
- Crazy-hair lady with cargo-pocket capris and a broken foot
- Latino Elvis Presley (Bank Manager)
- Jersey Shore guys with chinstrap beards

And me. Put us all together, and you basically have a Halloween party.

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