Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Art begets art.

There is a very (insert adjective) painting hanging in a hallway of the building I work in. Sometimes, on my way to the bathroom, I'll stop and stare at it for as long as five, six seconds. It so moves me that today I actually wrote a poem about it. Please keep an open mind.

Radio Shack, or The Spiritless Soul Is Only Tethered By The Dearest Secret Hopes One Clings To While Pining For The Fleeting Days Of Youth

Hi. You’re home, finally. Did you
See my text asking if you could
Grab some triple-A batteries at
Radio Shack on your way home?
Apparently not.

I’m fine, I’m just tired. Yes, they
Gave me trouble! You say selling
Insurance is frustrating, try keeping
Two eggs warm while the people
Inside of them won’t hold still for
More than fifteen seconds at a time.

Really, I’m fine. I just need to eat.
I haven’t had anything but nectar
All day.
You know, we’re never going to
Lose weight if we keep building
Our nests so close to huge flowers.
Also, I could do without our big,
Gawky neighbor sitting there
Staring at me all day.  

I'm sorry it's not a great picture. I asked the curator of the office park
if I could take it down to photograph it without the glare, and he said,
"No, it has to stay behind the glass, so it doesn't get stolen."

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