Saturday, May 12, 2012

Two for Tuesday's.

Max and I were out on a going-back-to-sleep-after-a-day-rendered-very-irregular-by-lots-of-vomiting-made-him-wake-up-screaming-at-midnight drive in the car at 1:00 am, and we drove past a scrolling electronic marquee outside of a salon that read, "TWO FOR TUESDAY'S ON HAIRCUTS". The good thing about that advertisement is that everyone who sees it will (mostly) understand what message it is trying to convey. The bad thing about it is that a real person had to have programmed it, probably looking it over at least once and maybe even having a couple of other people pass on it before it was deemed street-worthy. The worse thing about it is that hundreds of people will drive past it, register it, and find nothing wrong. Why can't the English learn to speak?

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