The other day on NPR they were talking about the aging infrastructures in the United States. I was listening in my car, while driving on a freeway littered with orange barrels and construction workers. One of NPR's guests who was weighing in on the subject was Congressman John Mica from Florida, who is on the House Transportation Committee, I think. The host asked Congressman Mica if doing ______ would be an option (I don't remember what they were talking about exactly, but that's probably because I was so distracted by what happened next). The Congressman responded: "not only is that impossible, but it is beyond anybody's capability..." Impossible and beyond anybody's capability? That really doesn't sound like it's going to happen then, huh, Mica? That's the mark of a politician who is used to having to be able to keep talking even if he has nothing left to say: if you can't find a Yellow Pages to filibuster with, then just start figuring out different ways to say the same thing over and over. It also reminded me of something Ben Stiller said once: "this mission - it just got a hell of a lot more impossibler."
"Not only am I holding up two fingers, but I am holding up one finger and another finger."
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