Tuesday, March 29, 2011


There is a cool weblog I follow (that means I have made the blog slightly easier for me to find by adding a link to my virtual dashboard. It does not mean I check in on it very frequently) called "Robot Apocalypse". I found this blog while searching the web for pictures of robots with which I could illustrate the Cautious Carl Model of Social Devolution. "Finally!" I cried aloud, "Another person worried that no one is paying enough attention to the impending takeover of humanity by our own robotic creations!" What I loved about the blog was how serious the author took the threat. I thought that was really the best way to go. If your going to do something silly, be seriously silly. Like how a joke is much better when the person telling it can do it without laughing himself.

My illusion of a perfect prophet of robotic mayhem has recently been shattered. I looked on the blog for updated signs of the robo-times, and saw this:

Robotic Skin means more sensitive Robot Over-Lords. (Horray?)

Like you, the thing that stood out to me most was the word "horray". Maybe the phrase "Robot Over-Lords" stood out most to you, actually, but I am used to that idea already. When I saw "horray", it was clear that it was being used sarcastically. What was unclear was why it was spelled that way. My faith in the warning voice unshaken, I began to search the post for clues as to why he would purposely misspell "hooray". It must be a pun based on technical robo-jargon, I thought. Like maybe the thing that makes the Robot Over-Lords' skin so sensitive is a new HOR chip, or something. But after combing the entire post, I was left to concede that my leader in the anti-robot revolution may have made a mistake. And that is a pill hard to swallow, my friends. Almost as hard to swallow as the pill he sent to me with instructions to take it at sunset on the eve of summer solstice, 2012.

1 comment:

childishkim said...

bishop - my assistant - wouldn't make such mistakes....